Search found 6 matches
- 31 Jan 2010, 04:44
- Forum:
- Topic: Again XP really slow opening interbase database and crashi..
- Replies: 9
- Views: 7915
Re: Again XP really slow opening interbase database and cras
Speed problem solved by setting affinity on ibserver using imagecfg.exe. Problem with the dual core. Hopefully it will solve problem on deployed machine with HT. Thanks. Best regards db wrote: > a clean boot is a method > to disable automatic programs > from starting with windows. > > sometimes it ...
- 26 Jan 2010, 18:08
- Forum:
- Topic: Again XP really slow opening interbase database and crashi..
- Replies: 9
- Views: 7915
Re: Again XP really slow opening interbase database and cras
db wrote: > sometimes there are programs > that need to be reinstalled or > updated when the o.s. is updated. > > not all programs are engineered > that way but yours could be. > > but it seems that the makers of > crystal reports or the program > that has it as an add-in/module, > should have a ...
- 25 Jan 2010, 06:03
- Forum:
- Topic: Again XP really slow opening interbase database and crashi..
- Replies: 9
- Views: 7915
Re: Again XP really slow opening interbase database and cras
Shenan Stanley wrote: > MrT wrote: >> It was running fine on 2k SP4 and XP sp1. Are you implying that MS >> issues SP/updates that can compromise existing apps? > > I'm saying that Microsoft does not support the third party applications you > choose to run - thus their patches may change something a ...
- 22 Jan 2010, 23:59
- Forum:
- Topic: Again XP really slow opening interbase database and crashi..
- Replies: 9
- Views: 7915
Re: Again XP really slow opening interbase database and cras
Shenan Stanley wrote: > MrT wrote: >> Ran fine on xp sp1 and win2k sp4 >> >> What dll's were radically changed by MS between theses OS issues. >> How do I find out? > > Have you contacted those who support Interbase/Crytsal Reports and verified > you are using a compatible version/updated version of ...
- 22 Jan 2010, 18:47
- Forum:
- Topic: Again XP really slow opening interbase database and crashi..
- Replies: 9
- Views: 7915
Again XP really slow opening interbase database and crashing
Ran fine on xp sp1 and win2k sp4
What dll's were radically changed by MS between theses OS issues. How
do I find out?
What dll's were radically changed by MS between theses OS issues. How
do I find out?
- 16 Jan 2010, 03:55
- Forum:
- Topic: XP SP 2 slows down Interbase and screwed up some Crystal R..
- Replies: 0
- Views: 7141
XP SP 2 slows down Interbase and screwed up some Crystal Rep
Hi: Had XP running fine on IBM S-50. Believe SP 1 (Maybe 2). App/interbase worked like a rocket as it did on win2k. XP crashed (blue screen - no recovery) so had to reinstall XP SP2 and all apps. Immediate problems with Interbase horribly slow. Disabled recovery etc. no change. ADODB.Stream disabled ...