Am having the DLL-fixer to install a DLL file which is called isdone.dll bec. A game i want to be installed is failing in installing since this file ain't in my pc and am using windows 7 64-bit, now am having an annoying problem WHICH IS MAKING ME SOO MAD,

but my internet connection isn't off, and i saw a reply from the support about this problem saying it's usually caused by the windows firewall and windows defender (sth. like that), now i closed windows firewall, stopped it's service from control panel, i closed windows defender, closed it's service from control panel, and same problem, i restarted pc and same problem, i uninstalled the program then reinstalled it again and same, I even restarted my router and same, and when i tried manual install from same site it shows me this error

when i browsed any site, it didn't tell me that error as in picture.