On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 20:53:12 -0400, "SC Tom" <sc@tom.net> wrote:
>I'm surprised the newer version didn't work. You could try the latest from
>http://download.zonealarm.com/bin/free/ ... story.html
> is the newest, and should work fine on XP Pro. I use it with my
>XP Home and Windows 7 with no problems. Unless it's a problem with the Win98
>SC Tom
I think,the problem now is too many vsutil.dll files, there are many
more than on the Win98 PC. I could start re-naming them several at a
time but then more installing etc. I'll save your post and try the
URL if needed.
Bill Watt
Win98 Computer Help & Other Information http://home.ptd.net/~bwatt/
Zone Alarm problem
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