locale-neutral msinfo32.exe output
Posted: 18 Aug 2010, 04:24
if i'm using msinfo32 /report c:\t.txt /categories +ComponentsDisplay
command to genrate report and the OS is Windows XP chinees then the report
out put is comming english + chines language mixed and because of that reason
i'm not able to find few string "OS Name" and "Vesrion" for example.
So can you tell me that how can i genrate this report in english only even
if the OS is in any Laguage.
Here by pasting the report which was genrated on chinese WindosXP OS.
command to genrate report and the OS is Windows XP chinees then the report
out put is comming english + chines language mixed and because of that reason
i'm not able to find few string "OS Name" and "Vesrion" for example.
So can you tell me that how can i genrate this report in english only even
if the OS is in any Laguage.
Here by pasting the report which was genrated on chinese WindosXP OS.