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Joined: 11 Oct 2010, 23:00


Post by helper »

hello i register only to write this....because as i google
noone has the same problem or mention it somewhere and could not find help or info in the web about this error.

if you see a rundll error with message

can't find the blah blah ...."
when you boot your pc (i boot my pc 10 times the first time i saw it)
it is fake and annoying! affects the boot of pc
and it appear like a device or something so my pc could not boot right.

so i boot my pc in safe mode(only basic devices loaded)
and hell yeah! i found it in my registry!
i remove it and now runs great!!!
but i do not think mess with registry is a good idea for everyone so download an app that remove those files like freefixer and you will be ok!

hope noone will get this message and won't need this info like i wanted 2 days before!

sorry if this post is not in right place.

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