missing files

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missing files

Post by LadyRayne »

hi everybody,

everytime i start my pc i receive 2 messages saying that there is 2 files missing: "mfpmlist64.dll" and "mfpmlist.dll". I don't have idea how to fix this, so any help is appreciated.

Thanks in Advance :P

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Posts: 460
Joined: 17 Mar 2011, 12:32

Re: missing files

Post by DllAdmin »


Are you sure about those filenames? I tried searching for them on google but there's no results at all for that filename. So firstly make sure that you spelled the filenames correctly.
Could you perhaps post a screenshot of the error? You can do that by pressing the Printscreen button on your keyboard, usually located somewhere to the top right on the keyboard. Then you can open Paint in Windows, select Edit and then Paste, and save the file somewhere on your computer. You can't attach the image to your post, but you can upload it to photobucket/imageshack/imgur or any other place you feel comfortable with, and then provide the link to it in your post.

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