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Post by DonCopal »

today I was trying to install an old W2k program on my W7 computer and it seems like I was missing the file AVITrim.dll which I can't find anywhere on the web.
I know that it originally worked on my W2k computer, so I think this file is included in the standart installation of Windows 2000 and maybe XP.
Could anyone be so kind and check if he can find it and send it to me?

Best regards

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Joined: 17 Mar 2011, 12:32

Re: AVITrim.dll

Post by DllAdmin »

Hello DonCopal,

To help you, I would need some more information regarding your error.

Which file is this regarding?
What is the exact and complete error message you get regarding this file?
When do you get this error?
Which program is requesting this file?

What have you tried so far for solving this error?

Best regards

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