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Post by cbk3908 »

I am using the wininet.dll to ftp a file to the mainframe. Wondering if anyone knew what the default codepage is when performing the FTPPUTFILEA to a z/os server?

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Joined: 18 Mar 2019, 00:05

Re: wininet.dll

Post by manishpatel »


I received the message that wininet.dll is not found when loading windows. I tried going to safe mode and automatic restore to an earlier time, but it just keeps retrying to load normal windows.

I made a copy of wininet.dll onto a CD and tried to copy it to the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory through the task manager which is the only thing that allows me to get to the directories. Upon doing that I discovered that the file was already there, but when I tried to overwrite it or delete it or move it or rename it, I received the following message:

Data error (cyclic redundancy check)

I know what a CRC is but Why can't I get rid of the file that is there to copy the new one?

To make sure I don't have a hard drive issue, I tried renaming at least 20 other files in the directory and had no problem. Thus, the file must be corrupted, but why can't I get rid of it to copy a new copy?

Any idea on how to get around this keeping in mind that I can't run any programs and want to avoid reloading Windows XP Professional would be appreciated.


p.s. btw, I found the below done by miekiemoes from another post on the same subject which was very useful and got me to where I am above.

Normally when you log in in windows... you can open your taskmanager by pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL together.
In taskmanager, click > applications > new task > browse
Now you will be able to browse. Put the cd where the wininet.dll is present in the cdrom drive and browse to it via taskmanager.
You have to select the option in taskmanager to show all files instead of only showing programs (dropdown-menu under addressbar)

Then rightclick on the wininet.dll and choose copy
Then browse to your C:\Windows\system32-folder and choose "paste"

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