Aero is no longer available

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Aero is no longer available

Post by zoopo »

I am using Windows Server 2008 with the Desktop Experience feature
installed so I can use the Aero theme. I had been using it without a
problem for about 4 months. This morning after turning on my computer
Aero is nowhere to be found it is no longer in the Color Scheme area
under the Personalize -> Window and Color Appeareance. I have not
installed any new programs in the last few days.

I tried to reinstall my ATI video card drivers but that didn't solve
the problem. I am using a Radeon HD 4850 which more than meets the
requirements to run Aero.

I've looked at previous posts and have already checked to make sure the
Themes and Desktop Window Manager Session Manager services are
automatically running.

Running the rundll32.exe dwmapi.dll,DwmEnableComposition command in the
search bar and the run windows also didn't help.

Anyone else have suggestions as to how to fix this problem?

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