Error Message

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Error Message

Post by pauhanacb »

When I start up Windows XP there is an error loading

The specified module could not be found

I check OK and am able to do everything I want to do on the computer.

But, tired of seeing this message everytime. Anyone know what this means?

Posts: 36
Joined: 01 Mar 2009, 00:00

Re: Error Message

Post by malke »

Pauhanacb wrote:

> When I start up Windows XP there is an error loading
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\bwtfmyp.dll
> The specified module could not be found
> I check OK and am able to do everything I want to do on the computer.
> But, tired of seeing this message everytime. Anyone know what this means?

A Google search for "bwtfmyp.dll" brought up nothing. When you don't get any
hits for a file name on Google, chances are high that it is a malware file.
Either you uninstalled the malware program or your antivirus/antispyware
program did. In any case, a reference was left to the file in Startup. You
can remove the reference by managing your Startup.

Because you had one piece of malware, the chances are also high that you had
others. It would be a good idea to scan. I recommend downloading and
installing MalwareBytes' Antimalware (MBAM) from The program is free. (There is a paid version
but you don't need to buy it to remove malware.)

To do *after* you do the malware removal scans - Manage Startup:

This brings up the System Configuration Utility. Look on the Startup tab and
find the probable culprit. Uncheck the box next to its name, Apply and OK
out. You don't need to restart immediately, but the next time you do you'll
get a dialog saying you've used the Utility. Just tick the box that says in
effect, "don't bother me about this again".

How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP -

The free Autoruns program is very useful for managing your Startup - ... fault.mspx - Autoruns

Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!

Posts: 12
Joined: 03 Apr 2009, 23:00

Re: Error Message

Post by lem »

Pauhanacb wrote:
> When I start up Windows XP there is an error loading
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\bwtfmyp.dll
> The specified module could not be found
> I check OK and am able to do everything I want to do on the computer.
> But, tired of seeing this message everytime. Anyone know what this means?

Almost certainly, this is a result of your computer having been infected
with malware and then having the malware partially removed.

Do you have an anti-virus application with current definitions? What is
it? Have you done a full system scan?

Download MalwareBytes Anti-Malware from, update and
do a full scan.

If the message persists after the scans, you will need to find and
delete whatever malware application is starting and looking for the
previously-deleted bwtfmyp.dll.

You can use msconfig for this purpose, but AutoRuns from ... 63902.aspx is more

If you use msconfig (Start > Run > msconfig [OK]), click the Startup tab
and look through the list of items. You may have to drag the width bars
in the column headers in order to be able to see the entire "command" or
"location." Most of the entries should be recognizable as legitimate
applications. If you don't recognize something, use Google to find out
what it is. If you determine that one of the items is malware, uncheck
it and OK your way out of msconfig. On your way out, check the box to
prevent the warning that you are in "diagnostic mode" from being shown.

Autoruns is similar. Although if you click the "Everything" tab you
will get a daunting list of items that start when Windows starts, more
than likely what you are looking for will be in the sections shown by
the "Logon" tab. Again, look through the list for unknown applications.
Once you determine that an entry is malware you can either delete it or
disable it. If you are at unsure, I suggest disabling it by removing
the check mark; if it turns out that you made a mistake and the item
really was legitimate, you just run Autoruns, re-check the box, and
you're back to where you were.

Lem -- MS-MVP

Apollo 11 - 40 years ago: ... index.html

Posts: 126
Joined: 17 Apr 2009, 23:00

Re: Error Message

Post by jose »

On Sep 29, 2:20

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